TET Course

WB TET 2023

WB TET 2023, which stands for West Bengal Teachers Eligibility Test, is an examination organized by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education to recruit teachers. This examination is designed to cater to two levels of teaching roles: one for candidates applying for the Primary Level Teachers and another category for Upper Primary Level Teachers. The WB TET 2023 is conducted by the regulations set forth by the Department of School Education, Government of West Bengal.

Prospective applicants interested in this opportunity must complete the application process within the specified registration deadline. This content provides comprehensive syllabus and exam pattern information, enabling candidates to prepare effectively. The examination consists of two papers: Paper one for Primary Teacher (Class 1 to 5) and Paper two for Upper Primary Teacher (Class 6 to 8). Candidates can choose either one or both papers based on their eligibility.

WB TET 2023 Overview

The West Bengal Board of Primary Education (WBBPE) is responsible for conducting the WB Primary TET Exam 2023 to recruit teachers for classes 1 to 8 in West Bengal schools. The tentative release date for the WB Primary TET notification 2023 is expected to be in September 2023. Furthermore, the WB Primary TET written examination is anticipated to take place in October 2023. Candidates will have the opportunity to obtain their WB TET admit card 2023 ahead of the examination date.

Candidates aspiring to complete the WB Primary TET application form must possess a minimum qualification of B.El.Ed. However, it’s important to note that the selection process for WB Primary TET primarily hinges on the candidate’s performance in the written examination.

WB TET 2023 OverviewEvent
Exam NameWest Bengal Teachers Eligibility Test (WB TET)
Exam Conducting BodyWest Bengal Board of Primary Education (WBBPE)
Level of ExamState-Level
Mode of ExaminationOffline
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Frequency of ExamOnce a year
Language of ExamBengali & English

WB TET 2023 Eligibility Criteria

WB TET 2023, candidates must acquaint themselves with the essential eligibility criteria. Failure to meet the WB Primary TET Eligibility Criteria can result in rejection or disqualification of their application. The following section outlines the WB Primary TET Eligibility Criteria for your convenience and reference. WB TET 2023 Eligibility Teacher role are as follows:

WB TET 2023 Education Qualification

The requirements for becoming a teacher through the WB TET are essential. There are two different groups of teachers: those who want to teach younger kids in classes 1 to 5 and those who want to teach older students in classes 6 to 8. These requirements are like the rules that decide whether you can become a teacher in West Bengal.

For 12th Graduates:

  • A minimum of 50% marks in 12th grade.
  • Successful completion or currently enrolled in the final year of a 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (D.EI.Ed), 2-year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B.EI.Ed), or 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (D.EI.Ed) (Special Education).

For Graduates:

  • Graduation from a recognized institution.
  • Completion of a 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (D.EI.Ed).

WB TET 2023 Age Limit

WB TET Exam states that no specific age limit is mentioned for candidates who want to apply. This means that people of different ages can apply, and there’s no restriction. The reason for not having an age limit is to make sure that anyone who is passionate about teaching and meets the necessary qualifications can have the opportunity to become a teacher.

Below are the criteria that encompass factors such as age, nationality, domicile, and the number of attempts allowed. Below is a concise overview of these essential eligibility particulars, followed by a comprehensive table for reference:

Minimum Age18 Years
Maximum Age35 Years
DomicileWest Bengal
Number of AttemptsAs long as candidates satisfy all the eligibility criteria


WB TET 2023 Exam Pattern

Candidates preparing for the WB TET Exam 2023 should comprehensively understand the WB Primary TET Exam Pattern 2023. Familiarity with the WB TET Exam Pattern is a foundation for formulating an effective exam strategy. Here’s a brief overview of the WB TET Exam Pattern:

WB Primary TET Paper 1 Exam Pattern 2023

  • Each correct answer carries 1 mark.
  • The exam consists of objective multiple-choice questions totaling 150 marks.
  • The duration of the exam is 3 hours.
  • Paper 1 encompasses 5 subjects: Child Development and Pedagogy, Language-I (English), Language-II (Bengali), Mathematics, and Environmental Studies.
  • There is no provision for negative marking for incorrect responses.

WB Primary TET Paper 2 Exam Pattern 2023

  • The examination consists of objective multiple-choice questions totaling 150 marks.
  • Each question is worth 1 mark.
  • Candidates will have 3 hours to complete the exam.
  • Importantly, there is no deduction of marks for incorrect answers.
  • This exam pattern provides candidates with a clear understanding of the structure and scoring system of the WB Primary TET Paper 2 Exam in 2023, helping them prepare accordingly.